It’s a new high-tech world. With new high-tech risks.
And no one is immune.
Every two seconds, another American is victimized by identity theft. That’s about 1 in 10 of us every year. In response to this surge, Autumn has made insuring our customers against this fast-growing threat one of our top priorities.
Phishing, skimming, malware; with new scams arriving daily, cyber-criminals can hack into your smartphones and computers to access personal info. Posing as you, they can withdraw your cash, take out credit cards, and go on shopping sprees. They can drain your bank accounts and even apply for loans. All in your good name.
Having your identity stolen can damage your credit score and your sense of security.
But the worst hardship may be how time-consuming and expensive it can be to get your life back.
Fortunately, we can help. Identity Theft coverage from Autumn is a simple, cost-effective way to protect your family from fraud. You already insure your auto, home and health. Why not your ID? It’s surprisingly affordable. You can add it to your homeowners insurance, or buy it as a standalone.
Having your identity stolen can be frustrating and painful. Recovering from it shouldn’t be. Talk with a specialist at Autumn to learn how Identity Theft coverage can save you time, money, and months of aggravation.
You’ve worked a lifetime to build your good credit. We’ll work just as hard to protect it.
With a full range of coverage options to make you feel secure at home, on the road, or on your computer. To discuss a customized solution, contact us.
Because nobody should battle identity theft alone.
Frequently Asked Questions
Every two seconds, another American is victimized by identity theft. That’s about 1 in 10 of us every year.

Meet Scott O'Neill
Identity Theft Insurance Specialist
Cyber tech is advancing all the time. So is cyber crime. Let’s discuss new cutting-edge ways to insure you from this threat. I’ll explain the options and empower you to make an informed decision.